ITA 50 år!

NFF have the absolute pleasure to invite you to the NFFs ITA 50-year anniversary celebration in Oslo on the 10th of June 2024 at 0900.

ITA-AITES was started in Oslo in 1974 and are in 2024 celebrating their 50th anniversary. The occasion will be marked with  an open one-day conference at Ingeniørenes Hus in Oslo. (Kronprinsens gate 17).

Kurset har vært


10. juni 2024


Ingneiørenes hus, Kronspirnsens gate 17

Gratis arrangement, for påmelding – send mail til så fort som mulig! (Påmelding er ikke stengt).


Program for the 50 Year Celebration Conference

Registration 0900

Start of session 0930

1    1. Opening Speech and Welcome

2.   2. Welcome greeting by Einar Broch

3.   3. The history of ITA – AITES – Eivind Grøv

4.   4. Signing ceremony of WTC 2025- Stockholm Contract

5.   5. Round table Discussion 1 – What is the future of our industry? How will underground solutions contribute to solving the globes current and future challenges?          

a.     Moderator – Eivind Grøv

b.     Panel

                                               i.     Andres Marulanda

                                              ii.     Sanja Zlatanic

                                             iii.     Monica Mitew-Czajewska

                                            iv.     Representative from Oslo Municipality

                                              v.     Amund Bruland

                                            vi.     Ruth Haug

Lunch 1130-1230

6.   6. Round Table Discussion 2 – How will we achieve the needed level of innovation? Who should be the driving force the technological development?

a.     Moderator – Tom Melbye

b.     Panel

                                               i.     Rick Lovat

                                              ii.     Klaus Rieker

                                             iii.     Peder Andersen

                                            iv.     Brede Nermoen

                                              v.     Thomas Dalmalm

                                            vi.     Amund Bruland

                                           vii.     Eivind Grøv

End of program 1500